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BENT IMAGE LAB (Portland/NYC/Spain) - Character CG, Stop-motion, 2D, 3D, CG Animation, Mixed Media, Live, VFX, VR, and AR
NERD PRODUCTIONS (London) - Animation of every kind, Live Action, and Mixed Media
SQUEAK E. CLEAN STUDIOS (Chicago/NYC/LA/Austin/Sydney/Melbourne) - (Merger of Nylon Studios and Squeak E. Clean) Original Composition, Sound Design and Mix, Music Licensing, Artist Partnerships, Music Library, Experiential & Spatial Sound, and Sonic Branding
PICTURE NORTH (CHI) - Editorial: Editors - *Christine Wolf, Olivia Rose Curry
TAYLOR JAMES (NY /LA / London /S.A) - VFX, CG Photo Real, Design, Animation, Multi-Channel Content Creation and Storytelling
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